How Can I Raise My Standing Desk

How Can I Raise My Standing Desk?

Standing desks are increasingly popular in the modern workplace and home office, as they provide a range of benefits for health and productivity. However, many users find it difficult to adjust the height of their standing desk to an optimal level. Let’s explore how effectively you can raise your standing desk.

  • The first step to raising your standing desk is to make sure that it’s level. This can be done by adjusting the feet on the bottom of the desk, which will allow you to find an ideal height for working comfortably.
  • Second, you can add an adjustable monitor mount to your desk. This will allow you to raise or lower your monitor as needed for optimum comfort and health benefits. It also allows more flexibility when it comes to setting up dual screens or adding other items like keyboard trays or document holders on top of the stand itself.
  • Lastly, you can buy a stool or other ergonomic tools to make working at your standing desk more comfortable.

How can I make my standing desk higher?

If you want your standing desk to be higher but don’t want to invest in a new one with adjustable legs, there are several easy ways to make your current one taller.

  • One of the simplest methods is to add risers or blocks underneath the desk legs. Depending on how much extra height is required, these could be made from wooden blocks or metal risers and come in various shapes and sizes.
  • Alternatively, if you’re looking for something more permanent than wooden blocks or metal risers, adding furniture glides can also work effectively. These can be screwed directly into the base of each leg and allow you to easily adjust the height up or down whenever needed.
  • Adjustable monitor arms or laptop stands are another option.These allow you to adjust the height of your monitor or laptop, making it easier and more comfortable to use while working at a standing desk.
  • And finally, you could simply stand on something like a box or step stool to raise yourself up slightly.

Can I raise my non-motorized standing desk?

You can raise a standing desk that doesn’t have a motor, but whether or not it’s safe to do so depends on how tall your desk is and how much you weigh.

If you have a normal desk that is about 30 inches tall, you should be able to raise it to about 36 inches without any problems.

But if your desk is taller than average or if you are heavier than average, you might want to be careful and only raise it 32 inches or less.

If you raise your desk too high, you could lose your balance and fall.

If you raise your desk too high, it can also put extra strain on the muscles in your back and neck. So make sure you only raise your desk as high as it is safe and comfortable for you.


In conclusion, raising and lowering your standing desk can be done in several ways. Depending on your level of comfort, budget, and space constraints, there is likely a perfect solution to meet your needs. Consider options such as an adjustable base with an electric motor, a crank-based model, a gas-cylinder model, or even a manual hand lever that allows you to adjust the height of your desk. With so many options, you’ll be able to find the ideal setup for your workspace and be more productive throughout the day.

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