Revolutionize Your Work Routine: Hand Crank Standing Desk vs Electric

Hand crank standing desks require manual labor to adjust the height while electric standing desks are powered for easy adjustments. Standing desks have been gaining popularity in recent years for their health benefits and ability to improve productivity.

While both hand crank and electric standing desks provide these benefits, choosing between the two options can be a difficult decision. Hand crank standing desks are typically more affordable and eco-friendly, as they don’t require electricity to function. However, they do require manual labor to adjust the height and can be time-consuming to switch between sitting and standing positions.

Electric standing desks, on the other hand, are powered for easy adjustments and can be programmed to remember specific heights. They are typically more expensive than hand crank desks, but often have more features and are more convenient to use. Ultimately, the choice between a hand crank and electric standing desk will depend on personal preferences, budget, and the amount of desk adjustments needed on a regular basis.

Revolutionize Your Work Routine: Hand Crank Standing Desk vs Electric


Why Traditional Desks Can Be Harmful

Hand Crank Standing Desk Vs Electric: Why Traditional Desks Can Be Harmful

In today’s world, desk jobs have become more prevalent than ever. Sitting at a traditional office desk for hours on end can take a toll on your health. Back pain, poor posture, and even heart disease are among the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

Sedentary Lifestyle And Health Risks

Sitting for long periods can increase your risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle was even linked to a shorter life span in some studies. Even if you exercise regularly, prolonged sitting can harm your health.

Standing desks can help improve your health by allowing you to break up long periods of sitting throughout the day, reducing your health risks.

Negative Impact On Productivity

Research suggests that prolonged sitting can lead to a decrease in productivity and work satisfaction, which can be a major setback in the workplace. Sitting for long periods can leave you feeling fatigued and unmotivated, leading to a lack of concentration and decreased focus.

The Solution: Standing Desks

Standing desks offer a viable solution to tackle the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and negative impact on productivity. By allowing you to alternate between sitting and standing throughout your workday, you can break up long sedentary periods and improve concentration, focus, and overall work satisfaction.

When comparing standing desks, there are two types to consider: hand crank standing desks and electric standing desks. While hand crank standing desks require manual effort, electric standing desks use electricity to raise and lower the desk height.

Hand crank standing desks may offer a budget-friendly option, but they can be a hassle to adjust and may not provide a smooth transition between sitting and standing. On the other hand, electric standing desks make the transition easier, faster, and more efficient.

Traditional desks can be harmful to your health and productivity. By investing in a standing desk, you can make a significant improvement in your overall well-being and work performance. Whether it’s an electric standing desk or a hand crank standing desk, the choice is yours.

Improved Health And Wellness

Hand Crank Standing Desk Vs Electric

As we spend more time working, our health and well-being should become a major concern. That’s why choosing the right desk can make an enormous difference. When it comes to standing desks, there are two primary types: hand crank standing and electric standing desks.

Both options have their advantages, but let’s discuss how these two compare when it comes to improved health and wellness.

Reduced Risk Of Obesity And Diabetes

Obesity and diabetes have become prevalent issues in our society today. One excellent solution to help prevent these health challenges is utilizing a standing desk. Here’s how both hand crank standing and electric desks can contribute to reduced risk of obesity and diabetes:

  • Cranking or pressing the button to raise or lower your standing desk can increase movement, leading to the burning of calories. By having the option to stand or sit, you can aid weight loss and decrease the risk of obesity, thereby reducing the chances of developing diabetes.
  • Constant sitting or painful standing can also increase your blood sugar level. By opting for a standing desk, you can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Lowered Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases

Another top benefit of choosing hand crank standing or electric desks is that they can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Here’s how:

  • Research has shown that long hours of sitting can lead to poor cardiovascular health. With an option to stand, you can prevent potential cardiovascular challenges and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Standing not only helps in lowering the risk of heart disease, but it also helps avert the risk of hypertension and other chronic illnesses. By raising your standing desk, you improve blood flow, thereby leading to an enhanced cardiovascular system.

Better Posture And Reduced Back Pain

Poor posture and back pain are typical issues caused by constant sitting. However, with an option of standing up, you can improve your posture and reduce back pain. Here’s how:

  • With a standing desk, you can adjust the height according to your comfort level and obtain a better posture. Poor posture could lead to joint pain, headaches, and other spinal dysfunctions that can be prevented with the proper standing desk.
  • Using your hand crank or electric desk to adjust the height of your standing desk can reduce tension in your back muscles, leading to reduced discomfort and a decrease in back pain and related issues.

Both hand crank standing and electric desks offer numerous health benefits such as increased movement, lower risk of chronic conditions, and comfortability. However, based on the features that suit you the most, one type of desk may be more beneficial than the other.

Remember to prioritize your well-being when selecting the best standing desk option for you.


Increased Productivity

Hand Crank Standing Desk Vs Electric: Increased Productivity

When it comes to productivity, standing desks are often the preferred choice for many people because they allow for more movement and better posture, leading to increased energy levels and focus. However, choosing between a hand crank standing desk and an electric one can be a tough decision.

Here, we’ll explore the advantages of each, specifically focused on how they can increase productivity.

Boosts Energy Levels And Focus

With a standing desk, you eliminate the strain that comes from sitting all day while also increasing your blood flow, which leads to better energy and focus levels. An electric desk is the perfect choice if you want to switch positions throughout the day, without having to manually change the height.

Conversely, a hand crank desk can give you a sense of control and accomplishment as you physically adjust it. Key points to consider are:

  • Standing desks eliminates the risks of having a sedentary lifestyle that can lead to energy slumps.
  • Electric desks allow you to quickly and easily switch positions to avoid body strain.
  • A hand crank desk gives you the opportunity to adjust the desk height manually, giving your arms a quick stretch.

Improves Mood And Creativity

Having the option to stand while working can help to develop a positive mindset, increase creativity, and improve the overall mood. Electric standing desks can be beneficial here as they allow for better control of the height. Meanwhile, a hand crank desk may give you a bit more freedom and make you feel like you are taking more control of your space.

To sum up, here are the key considerations:

  • Standing while working improves mood and creativity.
  • Using an electric desk can provide more control over the height, which contributes to a peaceful, positive mindset.
  • Adjusting the desk height with a hand crank can also give you a sense of control over your workspace.

Shorter Breaks And Fewer Distractions

With a standing desk, you are not confined to a chair, so you are free to move around and take shorter, more frequent breaks, which ultimately leads to fewer distractions. Electric standing desks make switching between sitting and standing positions even more straightforward, making it easier to take a quick break.

On the other hand, a hand crank desk may cause minor interruptions to the task at hand but can lead to quick movements that refresh the mind. Here are the key points:

  • Standing desks make it easier to take short, frequent breaks throughout the day.
  • Electric desks make it even simpler to switch between sitting and standing positions, allowing for quick, easy breaks.
  • With a hand crank desk, adjusting the height may cause a minor interruption, but it also contributes to quick body movements that refresh the mind.

While both hand crank and electric standing desks can increase productivity, each option has its own benefits. Electric desks are practical and offer simple adjustments, while hand crank desks provide a more hands-on approach and can be especially beneficial for breaks.

Ultimately, the choice you make depends on your personal preference and productivity goals.

Cost-Effective And Convenient

Hand Crank Standing Desk Vs Electric

Standing desks have gained popularity in recent years because of their numerous health benefits. They not only relieve back pain, but they also improve posture, reduce the risk of obesity, and increase productivity. Hand crank standing desks and electric standing desks are two popular options that you can consider when looking for a standing desk.

In this blog post, we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of both options, and help you make an informed decision. In particular, we will focus on the subheading: cost-effective and convenient.

No Additional Space Or Equipment Needed

One of the advantages of using a standing desk is that there is no need to create extra space or purchase any additional equipment. Most of the hand-crank standing desks can easily fit on your existing desk or workspace. Electric standing desks, on the other hand, may require more space as they have a motor attached to them.

However, they are still cost-effective when compared to purchasing an entire workstation.

  • Hand crank standing desks do not require any electricity or cords.
  • Electric standing desks require a power supply to work.

Can Be Used Anytime And Anywhere

Another benefit of using a standing desk is that it can be used anytime and anywhere. With hand crank standing desks, you can easily adjust the height of the desk by cranking a handle. This makes it easy to switch between standing and sitting positions without interrupting your work.

Electric standing desks, on the other hand, require a power supply to function.

  • Hand crank standing desks can be used anywhere as they do not require electricity.
  • Electric standing desks may not be suitable for locations without electricity.

Versatile Options To Suit All Budgets

The cost of a standing desk is one of the main considerations for most people. Fortunately, both hand-crank standing desks and electric standing desks are available at different price points. Hand crank standing desks are generally more affordable than electric standing desks, and can be a good option if you are on a tight budget.

Electric standing desks, on the other hand, offer more features like height presets and motor adjustment.

  • Hand crank standing desks are more affordable.
  • Electric standing desks offer more customization options.

When choosing between hand crank standing desks and electric standing desks, there are many factors to consider. Both options have advantages and disadvantages, and it ultimately comes down to your personal preferences and budget. Whichever option you choose, standing desks are a good investment for your health and productivity at work.

Hand Crank Standing Desks

Hand crank standing desk vs electric: explanation of hand crank desks

If you spend long hours working at a desk, it’s essential to consider a standing desk to reduce the risk of health problems. But, before deciding whether to buy a hand crank or electric standing desk, you need to understand each option’s features and benefits.

A hand crank standing desk is a type of desk that you can manually adjust to raise and lower the height of the surface. The user has to turn the crank handle to adjust the desk’s height, making it a more hands-on experience than electric standing desks.

Here’s what to consider:

  • Hand crank standing desks are adjustable, just like electric standing desks, but without the electric motor. You can raise or lower the desk to the desired height with ease.
  • Hand crank standing desks are affordable and often less expensive than their electric counterparts.
  • The hand crank standing desk doesn’t rely on electricity. It’s a perfect choice if you want to avoid using electricity in your workspace or if there’s a power outage.

However, there are a few drawbacks to consider when choosing a hand crank standing desk:

  • Adjusting the desk’s height requires more physical effort and can be time-consuming compared to electric standing desks.
  • Hand crank standing desks are not as silent as electric standing desks when being adjusted.
  • The crank handle may protrude from the desk’s surface, which can make it difficult to maintain a clutter-free workspace.

Benefits of hand crank standing desks:

While hand crank standing desks may not be as convenient as electric standing desks, they offer several advantages. Here are the key benefits of using a hand crank standing desk:

  • Affordability: Hand crank standing desks are usually more affordable than electric standing desks, making them a great option for anyone working with a tight budget.
  • Physical activity: Using a hand crank standing desk can be a good way to burn some extra calories, as it requires manual effort to adjust the desk’s height.
  • No electricity required: Hand crank standing desks are suitable for anyone looking to reduce their energy usage or who wants to be environmentally conscious.
  • Customizability: You can adjust the height of the desk to suit your specific needs, ensuring maximum comfort and productivity.
  • Durability: Hand crank standing desks require minimal maintenance because they have fewer moving parts than electric standing desks, making them last longer.
  • Noiseless: Hand crank standing desks do not produce any noise when they are adjusted.

By now, you should have a good understanding of the features and benefits of hand crank standing desks. It’s essential to consider your needs and budget before making a decision. Whether you choose a hand crank standing desk or an electric standing desk, the primary objective remains the same: to reduce the risk of health problems associated with prolonged sitting.

Electric Standing Desks

Hand crank standing desk vs electric: benefits of electric standing desks

Electric standing desks are overtaking traditional, hand crank standing desks as the preferred option for many users. Electric standing desks are a type of sit-stand desk that can be effortlessly adjusted between a sitting and standing position with the push of a button.

This is especially beneficial for those who suffer from back pain or other health conditions that require frequent position changes throughout the day. Here are some of the benefits of electric standing desks:

Explanation Of Electric Desks

Electric desks use an electric motor to adjust the height of the desk, unlike the manual crank that’s required for hand crank standing desks. Users can control the desk’s height through buttons on a control panel or a mobile app that’s synced with the desk.

The motor is powerful and can adjust the desk’s height smoothly, without any jerks or discomfort. Here are some of the key points to understand about electric desks:

  • Electric desks are easier to use and adjust than manual ones.
  • They work efficiently and smoothly with the push of a button.
  • Their motor is highly durable and long-lasting.
  • With smart programming, they can even adjust height based on a user’s settings or habits.
  • They have more ergonomic options, including memory settings for multiple users.

Benefits Of Electric Desks

Electric standing desks have multiple benefits for users who spend prolonged hours in a sitting position. Here are some of the benefits:

  • The ability to vary positions can help reduce back pain, shoulder stiffness, and neck pain, all of which can be caused by poor posture and sitting for prolonged periods.
  • Standing desks help to burn more calories, making them an excellent option for those who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Using an electric standing desk can help boost your energy levels and productivity by reducing fatigue and giving you more room to move around.
  • If you frequently take phone calls or video conferences, electric standing desks can help you change position without interrupting the conversation.
  • Electric standing desks are a great investment in your health and productivity, and they can help you prevent work-related injuries.

Electric standing desks provide a plethora of benefits to users. They help to improve posture and circulation, increase energy levels and productivity while reducing chronic back pain and other health risks attributed to sitting for extended periods.

Space And Size

Hand Crank Standing Desk Vs Electric

Standing desks have become increasingly popular, and for a good reason. They offer several health benefits over traditional sitting desks. However, when you decide to invest in one, you have two options: hand crank standing desk or electric standing desk.

This blog post will compare both options, with a focus on space and size considerations.

Factors To Consider

Before we delve into the differences between these two options, let’s briefly discuss the key factors you should consider when choosing a standing desk:

  • Space and size
  • Height adjustment
  • Noise level
  • Ease of use
  • Cost

Space and size are critical factors to consider when choosing a standing desk. The right desk should fit comfortably in your workspace, providing enough room to work effectively. Let’s compare space and size for a hand crank standing desk vs.

an electric standing desk.

Hand Crank Standing Desk

  • Hand crank standing desks come in various sizes and shapes, providing you with the flexibility to choose one that best suits your workspace.
  • Hand crank desks have a simpler design, and they usually occupy less space than electric standing desks.
  • Hand crank desks are also relatively lightweight, making them more portable and easier to adjust as needed.

Electric Standing Desk

  • Electric standing desks can be more complex in design and bulker, occupying more space in your workspace than hand crank desks.
  • They often have a significant power source that requires an electrical outlet, meaning you must place them nearer to a suitable socket.
  • Electric standing desks are usually heavier and less portable than their hand crank counterparts.

Regardless of the type of standing desk, you choose you must make sure it fits appropriately in your workspace, leaving enough room for comfortable movement. Take careful measurements of your home or office workspace to ensure proper sizing of your prospective standing desk.

When it comes to choosing between the two options, consider factors like space and size, height adjustment, noise level, ease of use, and cost. Ultimately your decision depends on your personal preferences and needs, but it is crucial to take your time, study various brands, and read reviews before settling for one.


Hand Crank Standing Desk Vs Electric: Adjustability

When deciding between a hand crank standing desk and an electric one, adjustability becomes a crucial factor. Both types of desks offer adjustable heights, but they differ in terms of convenience, speed, and range of height adjustment.

Factors To Consider

Here are some essential factors to consider when comparing the adjustability of hand crank and electric standing desks:

  • Convenience: An electric standing desk allows users to change the height of their desk with a push of a button. On the other hand, a hand crank desk requires physical effort to adjust the height, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient for some users.
  • Speed: An electric desk can transition between height settings much faster than a hand crank one. So, if you plan on changing your desk height often, then an electric standing desk may be a better option for you.
  • Height range: Both hand crank and electric standing desks offer adjustable heights, but the range of adjustment may differ. Electric desks can often adjust to a wider range of heights compared to hand crank desks, which may have a limited range.
  • Noise: When adjusting the height of an electric desk, there may be some noise. This may be a concern for individuals who work in quiet environments and do not wish to disturb others. In contrast, the hand crank standing desk does not make any noise.
  • Price: The price for each type of desk varies, with hand crank desks being more affordable than electric desks. However, the trade-off may be time and convenience.
  • Maintenance: Electric desks require electrical components that need maintenance and may break over time. In contrast, hand crank standing desks don’t require any electrical components and are easier to maintain.

If you prioritize convenience, speed, and range of height adjustment, an electric standing desk may be your best option. However, if you have a lower budget and don’t mind manually adjusting the height, a hand crank standing desk may be a suitable alternative.

Price And Value

Factors To Consider

When choosing between a hand crank standing desk and an electric desk, there are several factors to consider. Here we’ll discuss the price and value difference between these desks.


The price is undoubtedly the most critical factor that comes to mind when choosing between a hand crank and an electric standing desk. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Hand crank desks are generally cheaper than electric desks because they don’t have a complex motor system.
  • The base price of a hand crank standing desk ranges from $400 to $900, depending on the size and material.
  • On the other hand, the starting price of an electric standing desk ranges from $500 to $900, depending on the brand and features.


While price is an important factor, it’s not the only one. The value that you get from your desk is significant, too. Here are some key points regarding the value of each desk type:

  • Hand crank desks are known for being more durable and require less maintenance since they have fewer moving parts.
  • Electric desks come with additional features, such as programmable height settings and one-touch adjustments, which make them more convenient and time-efficient.
  • If you plan to work from home and use the standing desk regularly, investing in an electric model will add great value to your health and productivity.

While hand crank desks may be more affordable, electric standing desks come with added features and convenience that may be worth the extra cost. Make your decision based on your specific needs and budget.

Ergonomic Considerations

Hand Crank Standing Desk Vs Electric: Ergonomic Considerations

Standing desks have become a popular choice amongst office workers in recent times due to their claimed health benefits, including improving posture and reducing sedentary time. While standing desks can be manually operated with a hand crank, electric standing desks are becoming more and more popular.

This raises the question: which one should you choose? We’ll explore the ergonomic considerations of hand crank standing desks vs electric standing desks to help you make the right decision.

Importance Of Proper Alignment

Proper alignment at your desk is essential to reduce the stress on your body and prevent long-term injuries. Here are the key points to keep in mind.

  • Your monitor should be at arm’s length, and the top of the screen should be at eye level.
  • Your keyboard should be at elbow height, with your wrists straight and your hands in line with your forearms.
  • Your tabletop should be at elbow height, with enough clearance for your legs.

Setting Correct Desk And Chair Heights

When it comes to standing desks, getting the correct desk and chair height is crucial to maintaining good posture. Below are some key points to consider.

  • Set your standing desk at elbow height.
  • Your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle when typing.
  • Choose a chair that can be adjusted to a height where your feet can rest flat on the floor and adjust the backrest to support your lower back.

Tips For Correct Posture

Correct posture is essential to help you avoid straining your muscles and developing long-term injuries. Here are some tips for maintaining good posture.

  • Your feet should be flat on the ground.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and down and your back straight.
  • Do not hunch forward and do not lean back excessively.

Choosing a standing desk comes down to personal preference, budget, and needs. However, taking into consideration the ergonomic considerations discussed above will get you a step closer to making the right decision. With the proper alignment, desk, and chair heights, and maintaining good posture, you will enjoy the benefits of using a standing desk without compromising your health.

Tips And Tricks For Maximizing Benefits

Hand Crank Standing Desk Vs Electric

As the modern work environment continues to evolve, there has been a steady increase in the number of office workers opting for a standing desk. The debate between the hand crank and electric models remains one of the most popular among people interested in this workstation setup.

Each of these models has its proponents, and it ultimately comes down to what your preferences are. Whichever model you choose, there are certain tips and tricks you can apply to ensure you maximize the benefits. In this section, we’ll explore some of the best tips and tricks for making the most of your standing desk experience.

Setting Realistic Goals

Using a standing desk is one of the best ways to minimize your sedentary time at work. However, you should not take an all-or-nothing approach to standing. Instead, gradually incorporate standing into your work routine. Here are some tips:

  • If you’re new to standing, aim to stand for about 20-30 minutes every hour, and gradually increase this time.
  • Set achievable goals and pace yourself.

Incorporating Stretching And Movement

While using a standing desk is an excellent way of combating sedentary behavior, it’s still important to move around during the day. Here are some tips for incorporating movement and stretching:

  • Take a break every 30-60 minutes to stretch and move around for 5-10 minutes.
  • Incorporate dynamic stretches, such as arm circles and squats, into your routine.

Scheduling Time And Breaks

Scheduling regular breaks throughout the day is crucial to getting the best out of your standing desk. Here are some tips:

  • Schedule breaks throughout the day, and use this time to have a walk or stretch.
  • Try to take calls or attend meetings while standing.

By following these tips and tricks for maximizing benefits, you can get the most out of your standing desk experience, regardless of whether you opt for a hand crank or electric model. Remember, your workstation should be a comfortable and functional space that supports your productivity and health.

Final Thoughts On Hand Crank And Electric Desks

Hand Crank Standing Desk Vs Electric

As technology improves, we continue to look for easier and more efficient ways of completing daily tasks. One such task is adjusting our work desks to the right height to ensure our comfort and avoid discomfort. That’s where hand crank standing desks and electric standing desks come in.

They are both great options, but which should you choose? We’ll provide a comparison of the two types of desks, so you can make an informed decision based on your needs.

Recapping The Benefits Of Each

Hand crank standing desks:

  • Cost-effective. Hand crank desks are typically less expensive than electric desks, making them the perfect desk for those on a tight budget.
  • Portability. Hand crank desks are easy to move around since they do not need to be plugged in, making them ideal for people who prefer a change of scenery in their workspace.
  • Excellent for a low-tech option. The simplicity of a hand crank desk provides a minimalistic workspace, which can reduce the likelihood of distractions.

Electric standing desks:

  • Convenience. Unlike hand crank desks, electric desks are easy to adjust at the touch of a button, which is perfect for those who find it challenging to adjust the desk manually.
  • Do not require physical labor. If you have any physical limitation or disabilities, electric standing desks are a great choice since they do not require any physical effort to adjust.
  • Multiple adjustments. Electric standing desks have pre-set height adjustments, making it easier to switch between comfortable sitting and standing positions.

Considering Personal Preferences And Constraints

When choosing between a hand crank standing desk and an electric standing desk, personal preferences and constraints must be considered. Below are factors to consider:

  • Budget: Hand crank desks can be ideal for those working on a tight budget since they have a lower price point, while electric standing desks can be more expensive.
  • Physical labor: Hand crank desks require physical effort to adjust, which can be suitable for some individuals, while electric desks can be adjusted with the touch of a button.
  • Portability: If you would like the freedom to move around your workspace without having to worry about plugging and unplugging cords, then opt for a hand crank desk.
  • Multiple adjustments: If you require multiple adjustments, then an electric standing desk with pre-set height positions may be preferable.

Both hand crank and electric standing desks have their benefits. Your choice will likely depend on your personal preferences, constraints, as well as the nature of your work. We hope this has been helpful in helping you make an informed purchase decision.

Frequently Asked Questions On Hand Crank Standing Desk Vs Electric

What Is A Hand Crank Standing Desk And How Does It Work?

A hand crank standing desk is a manually adjustable desk, controlled by a hand-operated crank. The crank is used to adjust the height of the desk, allowing the user to either sit or stand while working.

What Is An Electric Standing Desk And How Does It Work?

An electric standing desk is an adjustable desk with a motorized lift system that enables users to adjust the height of the desk at the push of a button. It offers a more convenient and efficient way of changing desk height.

Which Is Better: Hand Crank Or Electric Standing Desk?

It depends on the individual’s needs. A hand crank desk is cheaper and more portable, while an electric desk is more comfortable and convenient for those who need to adjust the desk height frequently.

Can Hand Crank Desks Hold The Same Weight As Electric Desks?

Yes, hand-cranked standing desks can hold the same weight as electric ones. However, they may require more effort to lift larger loads and elevate to different heights.

Is It Healthier To Use A Hand Crank Or Electric Standing Desk?

Both types of desks provide health benefits by allowing users to alternate between sitting and standing. However, an electric desk may be more convenient for those with mobility issues or busy work schedules.


Overall, choosing between a hand crank standing desk and an electric desk comes down to personal preferences and priorities. If you prioritize cost-effectiveness and being able to easily move your desk around, then a hand crank desk may be the best fit for you.

On the other hand, if you prioritize convenience, speed, and being able to program your ideal desk heights, then an electric desk is likely the better option for you. Both types of desks can provide ergonomic benefits and help improve overall health and well-being by reducing sitting time and promoting standing.

At the end of the day, it’s important to consider your specific needs and do your research in order to make the best choice for you and your workspace.


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